an artist's Story
By George Sheffield
New words
يفترض suppose يبتسمsmile at ضخم-هائل immense
لوحات(بالقلم)drawings بسخريةbitterly الغير مهتمين من الناسuncaring public اهميةimportance يميل الىtake to ريعان الشبابheight of youth متطفلinterfering=nosey ما يدعى انه صديقso-called friend معاناةsuffer
ينسىforget ; forgot; forgotten
فخور بproud of
كثير منplenty of
يعلقhang; hung; hung
لم يعد*مازالno longer*still
سعادة حقيقية real pleasure
جمال سماوىheavenly beauty
يذكر mention
تكرار محددcertain repetition تعليقاتremark
كفاح مريرsevere struggle
فنان حقيقىa true artist
كما يبدوas it sounds
صفa line
ابتسامة قبيحةfoolish smile
يتخلى عنgive up
محل اثاثfurniture shop
يدفعpay for
قلب محطمbroken heart
Questions and answers
1) Who wrote this story?
George Sheffield wrote an artist's story 2) What did Augustus believe the visitor was? He believed he was a doctor sent by uncaring so -called interfering friend.
3) Describe the visitor? He was an immense man. 4) Why did Augustus tell the story to the visitor?
He thought he was a doctor who didn't know his illness.
5) What did he think of himself as a child? He thought he wasn't an ordinary child. 6) What did he say about himself at present? He said he was a clever young who had to take to bed at the height of his youth.
7) What did he win at the age of seven? He won prize for a drawing of an animal. 8) What did he intend to d? He intended to draw to represent the sunset over London. 9) How was he brought up? He was brought up delicately.
10) How did his parents encourage himThey provided him with pencils and papers and gave him the chance to study under great painters.
11) When did he start his business as a painter? At the age of twenty one.
12) What did he paint at the age of 21?
Eleven pictures of his face.
13) Prove that Augustus was self centered. He painted eleven pictures of his own face.
14) Where were the eleven pictures?
They were hung sadly on the wall of his sitting room.
15) Why did he fail as a painter of people?
As painted his own face .
He didn't paint any other people.
He couldn't sell any of his eleven pictures.
16) What did he do when he stopped painting people? He turned to paint the country:he painted the view from the back window
Nine times and seven times from the front one.
17) What was the result of painting the country? He didn't sell any of them.
18) Why did he fail in selling any of his paintings of the country?
Because he only painted the view from his front and back window.
He didn't leave his room to the outer nature.
19) What did he do on not selling any of his country pictures?
As he said he decided to forget his soul and paint for money
So; he drew for newspapers as a severe struggle.
20) What did he draw for newspapers?
He drew about thirty or forty funny pictures every day.
21) Why did he decide to forget his soul and paint for money?
As he was hopeless and almost hungry. He had little money.
22) What would Augustus do if he had the soul of an artist?
He would die rather than paint for money.
23) What was the result of drawing for newspapers? He got his drawings back and got no money.
24) what would have happened if he had been married?
His wife and children would have cried for bread.
25) How did Augustus try to test his drawings?
He tested them on the cat and the cat laughed until he was sick.
26) What did Augustus try drawing at last?Why?
At last he tried drawing for advertisements because he was hopeless and needed money. 27) What was the result of drawing for advertisements?
He sent them by hundreds ; but received only samples of bottles and cards of wool.
28) When did he give up his struggle and take to bed? When he failed to draw for advertisements. 29) Why did the stranger say "But" several times? To tell him he wasn't a doctor. 30) Why was the man sure that POkewhistle would rise again from his bed? As he came to take the bed that wasn't paid for.
31 ) Do you think that Pokewhistle has a good reason for not rising from his bed.
No;I don't.He was at the height of his youth .He should have a strong will.
32) Do you think that Augustus deserve sympathy or not? No;the reader shouldn't feel sympathy for him as he wasn't talented.He was very conceited and self –centered. the visitor one of the uncaring public?
As he interrupted Augustus a lot and he didn't want to know about his sufferingI never
By George Sheffield
New words
يفترض suppose يبتسمsmile at ضخم-هائل immense
لوحات(بالقلم)drawings بسخريةbitterly الغير مهتمين من الناسuncaring public اهميةimportance يميل الىtake to ريعان الشبابheight of youth متطفلinterfering=nosey ما يدعى انه صديقso-called friend معاناةsuffer
ينسىforget ; forgot; forgotten
فخور بproud of
كثير منplenty of
يعلقhang; hung; hung
لم يعد*مازالno longer*still
سعادة حقيقية real pleasure
جمال سماوىheavenly beauty
يذكر mention
تكرار محددcertain repetition تعليقاتremark
كفاح مريرsevere struggle
فنان حقيقىa true artist
كما يبدوas it sounds
صفa line
ابتسامة قبيحةfoolish smile
يتخلى عنgive up
محل اثاثfurniture shop
يدفعpay for
قلب محطمbroken heart
Questions and answers
1) Who wrote this story?
George Sheffield wrote an artist's story 2) What did Augustus believe the visitor was? He believed he was a doctor sent by uncaring so -called interfering friend.
3) Describe the visitor? He was an immense man. 4) Why did Augustus tell the story to the visitor?
He thought he was a doctor who didn't know his illness.
5) What did he think of himself as a child? He thought he wasn't an ordinary child. 6) What did he say about himself at present? He said he was a clever young who had to take to bed at the height of his youth.
7) What did he win at the age of seven? He won prize for a drawing of an animal. 8) What did he intend to d? He intended to draw to represent the sunset over London. 9) How was he brought up? He was brought up delicately.
10) How did his parents encourage himThey provided him with pencils and papers and gave him the chance to study under great painters.
11) When did he start his business as a painter? At the age of twenty one.
12) What did he paint at the age of 21?
Eleven pictures of his face.
13) Prove that Augustus was self centered. He painted eleven pictures of his own face.
14) Where were the eleven pictures?
They were hung sadly on the wall of his sitting room.
15) Why did he fail as a painter of people?
As painted his own face .
He didn't paint any other people.
He couldn't sell any of his eleven pictures.
16) What did he do when he stopped painting people? He turned to paint the country:he painted the view from the back window
Nine times and seven times from the front one.
17) What was the result of painting the country? He didn't sell any of them.
18) Why did he fail in selling any of his paintings of the country?
Because he only painted the view from his front and back window.
He didn't leave his room to the outer nature.
19) What did he do on not selling any of his country pictures?
As he said he decided to forget his soul and paint for money
So; he drew for newspapers as a severe struggle.
20) What did he draw for newspapers?
He drew about thirty or forty funny pictures every day.
21) Why did he decide to forget his soul and paint for money?
As he was hopeless and almost hungry. He had little money.
22) What would Augustus do if he had the soul of an artist?
He would die rather than paint for money.
23) What was the result of drawing for newspapers? He got his drawings back and got no money.
24) what would have happened if he had been married?
His wife and children would have cried for bread.
25) How did Augustus try to test his drawings?
He tested them on the cat and the cat laughed until he was sick.
26) What did Augustus try drawing at last?Why?
At last he tried drawing for advertisements because he was hopeless and needed money. 27) What was the result of drawing for advertisements?
He sent them by hundreds ; but received only samples of bottles and cards of wool.
28) When did he give up his struggle and take to bed? When he failed to draw for advertisements. 29) Why did the stranger say "But" several times? To tell him he wasn't a doctor. 30) Why was the man sure that POkewhistle would rise again from his bed? As he came to take the bed that wasn't paid for.
31 ) Do you think that Pokewhistle has a good reason for not rising from his bed.
No;I don't.He was at the height of his youth .He should have a strong will.
32) Do you think that Augustus deserve sympathy or not? No;the reader shouldn't feel sympathy for him as he wasn't talented.He was very conceited and self –centered. the visitor one of the uncaring public?
As he interrupted Augustus a lot and he didn't want to know about his sufferingI never
الجزء الثانى
I never forget a face
New words;
ينسى forget مشكلة trouble غير قادرunable to يعانى منsuffer from لحد ما some extent يقصد يعنىmean يمر-يجتاز pass رفيق-صديقfellow يتعرف علىrecognize صحفىreporter صعابdifficulties يخرج منget out of قليل من العملa bit of business اما اوwhether ----or يضايق annoy يكسب gain يقتربapproach يصل-يربط connect الحرب العالمية الثانيةsecond world war حشد عظيمpleasant crowd تشكوcomplain جيرانneighbours محدد-مخصصparticular تدريجياgradually عربة قطارcarriage منتظمregular مؤخراlately بجوار by=next to محطة اتوبيسbus stop تجاهtowards الوافدين الجددnew comers يطيق انafford to +to+inf يهملneglect متسعroom يمدstretch اسلوب-طريقةmanner يفشلfail غير راغبunwilling to يقارنcompare يوافق شخصagree with راىopinion يتوقع expect يتفاخرboast ينطلق-يبدأgo off طيب القلبkind hearted تهب blow;blew;blown يطرح ارضاknock over يفرملslow down يستعيد وعيهcome to his senses حفرةditch مطلوب من اجل سرقةwanted for robbery عنفviolence محاولة القتلattempted murder
Questions and answers **** ****
1-What was strange about the writer?
He never forgot a face.
2-Why did the writer's wife think he ought to be a reporter?
To look for famous men who went to see films.
3-What was wrong with the writer's wife opinion? He couldn't remember names.
4- what was the wife's complaint concerning her neighbours?
That her husband didn't remember his neighbours'names
5-How did the writer overcome forgetting names?
He connected a face with a place and he could speak about the places they met in.
6-How did the writer treat the new comers and why?
He was friendly with them because business might come from one of them.
7-How was the weather when they got out of the station?
It was quite dark, raining heavily and the wind was blowing
8-What did the stranger do when the writer slowed down?
The stranger hit him hard in the back of his head, pulled him out of the car and threw him into a ditch.
9-What did the writer find out when he come to his sense?
He found himself lying in a ditch, had a bad headache and his car, his umbrella, his gold watch and his money were stolen.
10-Where did he see the stranger's picture?
He saw it on the wall of the police station with the following under it 'wanted for robbery with violence and attempted murder''.
11-To what extent did the writer succeed in getting information about the traveler?
He didn't succeed, so he gave up his attempt.
12-Why did the writer boast about business?
To encourage the stranger to boast about something.
13-What made the writer give up talking and read his paper?
As he didn't get information about the stranger.
14-How do you know that the writer was kind hearted?
As he woke him up and offered to give him a lift.
15-Why did the writer lose good business more than once?
As he didn't remember names.
16-What did the writer offer to the stranger?
He offered to give him a lift in his old car.
17-How did the writer open his conversation with the stranger?
He asked him if he always traveled by train.
18-What was the stranger's answer?
He just answered 'not generally'
19-Whydid the writer go to the police station?
To report that someone had stolen his car, his umbrella, his money etc..
20-How did the writer about his fellow?
By seeing his picture on the wall of the police station.
21-What does the writer forget, what does he remember?
He forgets names, but remembers faces.
22- What did the stranger want from the writer on their return?
He wanted to let him get out of the car.
23-Why was it difficult for the writer to go to the station on time?
As he had to do much work.
Good luck
New words;
ينسى forget مشكلة trouble غير قادرunable to يعانى منsuffer from لحد ما some extent يقصد يعنىmean يمر-يجتاز pass رفيق-صديقfellow يتعرف علىrecognize صحفىreporter صعابdifficulties يخرج منget out of قليل من العملa bit of business اما اوwhether ----or يضايق annoy يكسب gain يقتربapproach يصل-يربط connect الحرب العالمية الثانيةsecond world war حشد عظيمpleasant crowd تشكوcomplain جيرانneighbours محدد-مخصصparticular تدريجياgradually عربة قطارcarriage منتظمregular مؤخراlately بجوار by=next to محطة اتوبيسbus stop تجاهtowards الوافدين الجددnew comers يطيق انafford to +to+inf يهملneglect متسعroom يمدstretch اسلوب-طريقةmanner يفشلfail غير راغبunwilling to يقارنcompare يوافق شخصagree with راىopinion يتوقع expect يتفاخرboast ينطلق-يبدأgo off طيب القلبkind hearted تهب blow;blew;blown يطرح ارضاknock over يفرملslow down يستعيد وعيهcome to his senses حفرةditch مطلوب من اجل سرقةwanted for robbery عنفviolence محاولة القتلattempted murder
Questions and answers **** ****
1-What was strange about the writer?
He never forgot a face.
2-Why did the writer's wife think he ought to be a reporter?
To look for famous men who went to see films.
3-What was wrong with the writer's wife opinion? He couldn't remember names.
4- what was the wife's complaint concerning her neighbours?
That her husband didn't remember his neighbours'names
5-How did the writer overcome forgetting names?
He connected a face with a place and he could speak about the places they met in.
6-How did the writer treat the new comers and why?
He was friendly with them because business might come from one of them.
7-How was the weather when they got out of the station?
It was quite dark, raining heavily and the wind was blowing
8-What did the stranger do when the writer slowed down?
The stranger hit him hard in the back of his head, pulled him out of the car and threw him into a ditch.
9-What did the writer find out when he come to his sense?
He found himself lying in a ditch, had a bad headache and his car, his umbrella, his gold watch and his money were stolen.
10-Where did he see the stranger's picture?
He saw it on the wall of the police station with the following under it 'wanted for robbery with violence and attempted murder''.
11-To what extent did the writer succeed in getting information about the traveler?
He didn't succeed, so he gave up his attempt.
12-Why did the writer boast about business?
To encourage the stranger to boast about something.
13-What made the writer give up talking and read his paper?
As he didn't get information about the stranger.
14-How do you know that the writer was kind hearted?
As he woke him up and offered to give him a lift.
15-Why did the writer lose good business more than once?
As he didn't remember names.
16-What did the writer offer to the stranger?
He offered to give him a lift in his old car.
17-How did the writer open his conversation with the stranger?
He asked him if he always traveled by train.
18-What was the stranger's answer?
He just answered 'not generally'
19-Whydid the writer go to the police station?
To report that someone had stolen his car, his umbrella, his money etc..
20-How did the writer about his fellow?
By seeing his picture on the wall of the police station.
21-What does the writer forget, what does he remember?
He forgets names, but remembers faces.
22- What did the stranger want from the writer on their return?
He wanted to let him get out of the car.
23-Why was it difficult for the writer to go to the station on time?
As he had to do much work.
Good luck
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